The features of a semi-dedicated server

As its name implies, a semi-dedicated hosting plans is similar to a dedicated server. You share the resources of a fully fledged dedicated server with just a few other users as opposed to the 100’s of clients on a shared server. Thus, you have access to an abundance of system resources at a much cheaper price. On top of that, a semi–dedicated server is much simpler to manage in comparison to a full–fledged dedicated server.

In contrast to a dedicated server, you won’t be given full root access to your hosting environment and will not be able to select a server OS and a hosting Control Panel. Yet, you’ll be able to take full advantage of ZEZZOIC.COM’s leading–edge cloud hosting platform, which boasts an astonishing stability.

A website hosting system

Our cloud hosting platform is the basis of all the semi-dedicated hosting plans that we’re offering. This will give your semi–dedicated server an exceptional stability of performance and you won’t have to get worried that you’re sharing a physical machine with a few other end users.

Furthermore, our cloud hosting platform allows for a very fast and easy transition from a website hosting plan to a semi–dedicated server. Simply click the Upgrade button and we will handle the transition for you within minutes. Besides, you can switch between ZEZZOIC.COM’s semi-dedicated hosting plans with a simple click of the mouse.

ZEZZOIC.COM’s website hosting packages come with the point–and–click Hepsia Control Panel, so you’ll be able to manage your server via an easy–to–work–with interface offering a number of site setup tools and charge–free bonuses.

Simple to use Web Hosting Control Panel

Our semi-dedicated hosting plans are based on our in–house built cloud hosting platform and thus come with our custom point ’n’ click Web Hosting Control Panel, which is included for free with each semi–dedicated server plan.

The Hepsia hosting Control Panel is incredibly simple to work with and you can complete various web site administration procedures – for instance, you can edit file permissions or create a Memcached instance with one single click. Owing to its simplified interface, you’ll be able to effortlessly switch between the different hosting Control Panel sections without needing to go back to the main page each time.

You do not have to be worried about server management tasks as well. Our techs will conduct all server monitoring and administration tasks for you, so you can concentrate on your sites only.

Numerous entirely free add–ons

In the web hosting Control Panel you will find a collection of charge–free tools and bonuses that will enable you to create and promote your sites with just a click and get the most out of your server’s power.

With custom–developed web site creation tools such as our single–click Web Application Installer and our automatic Easy Website Installer, you’ll be able to kick off your new personal weblog, message board or photo gallery with one single mouse click. Plus, the integrated Web Marketing Instruments will help you create a new site map or display RSS feeds on your site. And thanks to the exhaustive web analytics statistics, you’ll be kept informed of your site’s online behavior in real time.

And to help you give your websites a great speed boost, we’ve incorporated a variety of Site Accelerator Applications in the web hosting Control Panel. With Varnish and Memcached, you will be able to cache incoming requests and make your web sites open much faster.

Advanced server stability

Your semi–dedicated server will offer the biggest level of protection for your ever–demanding websites and web apps.

The software architecture around which our website hosting system was built, draws on SELinux – a security–enhanced version of the Linux Operating System. ZEZZOIC.COM’s sysadmins have also made custom improvements to make everything work even better. This way, your server will ensure a dependable and risk–free web hosting environment for your sites.

What is more, all semi-dedicated hosting plans can be ordered in our incredibly secure data centers, which keep a number of anti–DoS tools and guarantees a secure and safe internal network.