Perl is an excellent programming language that is widely used for generating CGI scripts and different web-based applications. Among its key advantages is that it works with modules - ready-made batches of code which are used to execute multiple tasks and to enhance the functionality of a certain script without slowing it with unneeded lines of code. In other words, if five jobs have to be executed, you can employ five lines of program code in order to call each one of the modules instead of adding a large number of lines used to generate the actual modules inside your script. Perl is really convenient and it may be used for various purposes, that's why a number of corporations have integrated it in their web products or on their resource-demanding websites - cPanel, IMDB, Craigslist, BugZilla, BBC and many more. It's often used along with other languages such as PHP or Python.
Perl Scripting in Website Hosting
In case you get a website hosting plan through our company, you will be able to run Perl/CGI scripts without any problems as we have a large number of modules installed on the cloud hosting platform where the shared accounts are set up. With each package, you will be provided with access to over 3000 modules which you're able to use in your scripts and you can find the whole list in your Hepsia website hosting Control Panel as well as the path which you have to use so as to be able to access them. In case you use any script that you have downloaded from some third-party website, you can be sure that it will work flawlessly whatever the modules it needs for that. Any kind of .pl script can be executed manually or you will be able to create a cron job to do this automatically at a certain time interval. In case your hosting plan doesn't come with cron jobs, you are able to add this feature with just a few clicks within the Upgrades section of the Control Panel.
Perl Scripting in Semi-dedicated Servers
Perl is supported on all of our servers, so if you aquire a semi-dedicated server account through us, you're able to use any kind of tailor-made or ready-made CGI script or any other Perl-based web application without any difficulties. To save you time and efforts, we've also installed several thousand modules which you'll be able to take advantage of. You will be able to see the path to the library in the Hepsia hosting Control Panel and include any module within your scripts. Some third-party scripts, for example, require particular modules, so that they can function efficiently. Executing a .pl file, custom or ready-made, can be done in two ways - manually, if a website visitor does a certain action on your website, or automatically, when you create a cron job through your account. In the second case, you are able to select the interval based on what your script will do and how often you'd like it to run - once every day, hour, minute, etcetera.