We’ve integrated a group of Site Accelerator Applications in the Web Hosting Control Panel to enable you to conveniently optimize the online efficiency of your web sites. You will not need to customize anything within the program code or generate special adjustments that demand technical knowledge on your part. Inside the Web Hosting Control Panel, merely select the application you want to utilize – Node.js, Varnish and Memcached and generate an instance for it. It’s all carried out with a click. By speeding up your web sites, won’t just prevent your site visitors from being forced to wait around but can even make your site get a better position in search engine results.

You’ll find the Site Accelerator Applications in the Advanced Applications part of the Web Hosting Control Panel.


RAM–memorizing instead of data base calls

Assuming you have a data–base–dependent website or web app, and database queries usually tend to reduce the functionality, this could be really frustrating to the site visitors as well as the web app users. Searching for a remedy usually can demand a considerable amount of time. Nevertheless, within the ZEZZOIC.COM Web Hosting Control Panel, you can find a resolution for you.

Memcached is a straightforward, yet highly effective distributed memory caching platform, that memorizes data and objects in the RAM. Using this method, the database–stored information on your site does not need to be querried every time a customer opens up the identical web page.

Hepsia File Manager


RAM–caching in place of HTTP requests

Utilizing the Varnish website accelerator application built into the Web Hosting Control Panel, you may make your web site pages stream a lot quicker for your website visitors. All of the configurations are made by way of a convenient to use interface, without needing to produce any immediate changes to the backend code of your website.

Varnish is an HTTP acceleration application that helps all webpages work more rapidly by saving them inside the server memory. By doing this, after a webpage has already been opened up by a visitor once, it does not need to be delivered from the server anymore, which in turn cuts loading times and quickens your pages. It’s been assessed that Varnish generally speeds up website loading times with a 300 – 1000x factor.

Hepsia File Manager


Designed for creating fast and also flexible applications

Web programmers may use Node.js with regard to creating a variety of high–performance and also cost–efficient solutions like business stats, real time applications and CMS, just to name just a few. It is quick and scalable and is also supported by a proactive online community that helps to keep enhancing and sustaining it.

Node.js is founded on the Google V8 JavaScript engine and uses an event–driven, non–blocking I/O pattern that makes its API versatile and extensible. This specific ground–breaking method makes it possible for programmers to fast construct top rated applications only using just one language.

Hepsia File Manager