Q: What exactly does website migration imply and what does it include?

A: If your current hosting provider can no longer match the needs of your website, or if you undergo regular network downtime, or if you have to wait for hours for the client support team to respond back to you, it may be a smart idea to switch your web hosting provider, i.e. to migrate all the files for your websites as well as your databases from your present provider to your new provider. At ZEZZOIC.COM, we understand that this can often be hard and time–consuming. That is the reason why we’ll do all that for you for free!Our highly experienced technical staff members will migrate your website content from your present hosting provider to us. Our techs have lots of experience with web site migration and are able to handle everything – from a normal WordPress blog or Joomla–based website, to a very elaborate, custom–made app.

Q: What exactly does website migration imply and what does it include?
Q: How much time will the website migration procedure take?

A: We try to carry out all website migrations ASAP. However, we don’t have a set time frame for website migrations. There are different facets that you have to consider – the very size of your web site and the workload of our web site migration team, etc. We always strive to accomplish each migration within 48 hours. With smaller–sized websites, our team usually manages to finish in under 24 hours.

Q: How much time will the website migration procedure take?
Q: Do you need something from me before you begin moving my web site?

A: We do not require any private details. We’ll require, though, the login information for your present hosting account and the name of the web site that you want to migrate.

Q: Do you need something from me before you begin moving my web site?
Q: My current hosting account has sensitive info inside. How can I trust you?

A: Before we can begin the transfer of your account, you must first open an account with us. Opening an account with us requires that you to disclose essentially the same information you have provided to your present web hosting provider. We’ve also got a very strict Privacy Policy, which describes how delicate information is tackled.

Q: My current hosting account has sensitive info inside. How can I trust you?
Q: Will my website be unavailable during the migration?

A: While we transfer your website, it will be available both in your web hosting account with us and in your account with your former web hosting provider. Once the transfer is finished, we will make sure that everything is functioning properly and that the integrity of your content is not affected prior to telling you that the migration is complete. After that, we will instruct you how to transfer the domain over to your web hosting account with us and how to edit the DNS settings.

Q: Will my website be unavailable during the migration?
Q: Will my present web hosting provider need to do anything?

A: While we move your content, your web hosting provider will not be aware of the migration at all. We will not contact them in any way.

Q: Will my present web hosting provider need to do anything?
Q: Does it matter what platform my present hosting provider is using?

A: We support all Linux–based web hosting platforms. Generally, if we can gain access to your Control Panel, we’ll be able to transfer your website.The only platforms that we don’t support are closed–source website building platforms such as Wix, BaseKit, Jimdo, Website Tonight, Four Square, Mr Site, etc.

Q: Does it matter what platform my present hosting provider is using?